Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Well, Yeah

Unfortunately, Ask and Ye Shall Receive is seemingly out of business. Shame, too, because I enjoyed it.

So, if you're stopping by here, you want to know what ol' Ballsy will be up to? I dunno, really, but feel free to ask any questions or say hi or whatever. Perhaps this will turn into something completely different, who knows?



Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I've Been Slacking...Someone Spank Me

Asara's crap threw me off so badly, I started neglecting this place like a motherfucker.

So what's ol' Fireballs been up to?

This and this and this and this and this and this and this.

Damn, I have been busy. Well, up until the last few weeks when our submissions dried up. Apparently we suck. Maybe we should review ourselves.

Ah well. Go visit us and submit. I order you.

The Greatest Blog Review Site EVER.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself

I guess there isn't much known about yer humble scrivener, is there?

Well, fuck, let's remedy that.

Born in Birmingham, England. Moved to Philadelphia when I was six. Parents divorced two years later. Lived with Mom until I was 16, when I went back to England for university.

Graduated 1990. Moved back to Philadelphia after having no luck finding a good job in England. Have worked for the same company for the last 12 years, in the publishing business.

Anonymous. Mysterious. Angry. Single, and happy about it.

What else do you want to know?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Feeling Like A Freak On A Leash

This space will mostly be used to link to my stunning array of reviews over at Ask And Ye Shall Receive but there may be other commentary here from time to time. I know you're excited. Rest easy, no one will get hurt. Unless you ask me nicely. VERY nicely.

You can email me at if you've got any comments to make.
